Horary Charts

Horary Charts

Horary chart - An inimitable tool clear your uncertainty without sharing birth details!

Horary chart is a part of horoscope astrology which answers the precise question by preparing the horoscopy charts with the exact timings. It is a strict calculation which is based on the position and aspects of Moon and other planets when the question is asked, or other way round the birth kundli of question is prepared.A plethora of options and several methods for casting and delineating horary charts exist in the various aspects of astrology. In addition to this, a number is used to involve the spirit of the querent.

Shubha is a trained and gifted horary chart reader who can assist your precise questions with exact remedies.

There are simple principles for horary charts, that one question can be asked by a person at one time. Answer will be in terms of yes and no. Have focused question and get exact answer. Birth details are not required.

Once you ask the question immediately the chart is drawn and we predict the answer. The answer to the horary question might be a simple yes or no, but is generally more complex with insights into, for example, the motives of the questioner, the motives of others involved in the matter, and the options available to them. The fascinating thing about horary is that we have a choice in the matter. If the chart shows that things are going to turn out well then we can leave them alone and relax. But if the chart shows potential problems we can choose not to continue or choose to do something in a different way which can give us a different outcome.

The idea behind this is – forewarned is forearmed and with the information the horary chart can provide, you can make the best out of any circumstances, even a bad one. For example, you might be going through a difficult time in a romantic relationship. You can get an answer to your questions using horary charts. This helps in effective decision making.

Horary chart helps in taking the decisions for critical queries related to all aspects. It is a very helpful tool to take guidance for any question buzzing in your mind. This is especially beneficial for those who don't have birth details. Shubha can help them in getting the precise answer to their questions. The best part is that only one question is answered at a time.